

Logo generator & editor program


Logopony — one of the leaders among logo makers. This service allows you to generate beautiful logos: just enter the name, select colors and style of your logo.

You can edit the logo you like and see how it looks on different surfaces.

Your logo in vector graphics and other formats will be available after paying.

Behind its apparent simplicity, the product hides complex mechanics.

To attract a user, it’s needed to give out good-looking logos from the first page.

The beauty of this project is in its self-sufficiency: it sells digital content that is automatically generated by the system.

Logopony is constantly being included in the lists of useful services for those who start their own business.

The project was published on ProductHunt and got a badge #3 Product of the Day.

Logopony - Make your own beautiful logo with AI | Product HuntLogopony - Make your own beautiful logo with AI. (Design Tools, Artificial Intelligence, and Tech) Read the opinion of 36 influencers.…www.producthunt.com
Product Hunt

We support ❤️ and develop the project since 2015.

  • >1,000,000

    Saved logos

  • 150,000

    Registered users